Home Sweet Home
I know, I know ... it's been four whole days since I've updated you guys. Bad blogger!
But the reason is, I've been busy! I've been cooking, and looking for a new apartment, and cooking, and finding a new apartment, and cooking, and moving into a new apartment. And, hanging out with my new friends! When I roll home at midnight or 1am and have to be in the kitchen at 8am the next morning, I'm left with little time to update things over here.
Yeah. I know you all are feeling so sorry for me ...
But that's the explanation ... now, on to the news!
So, you all remember the terribly unfortunate falling-through of my Parisian apartment the night before I arrived in Paris!!! Oh yes, that was tres fun. Tres fun indeed. It meant that I spent most of my free moments this first week in Paris searching for apartments, doing my best to prevent being homeless for the remainder of the summer. (Fortunately, a couple of classmates offered their floors if I couldn't find a place in time, but I was not eager to have to take them up on that offer!)
But file this one under "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade" -- on
I also overlook a cute courtyard, and hear birds singing outside my windows all the time!
Moving was a test of my language skills. Flagging down a cab on the street here in Paris is pretty much not done -- you either go to a cab stand (located throughout the city) or call a dispatcher. Since I had all of my luggage, I couldn't easily walk over to a cab stand, so I had to call to order a cab. I always find speaking in foreign languages easier in person than over the phone, as you can read (and use) body language and gestures to get your point across. But I've now had my first French-on-the-phone success, because when I got downstairs with my bags, the cab was there!
There's more, it's true ... but it'll have to wait til I have more time to write!! But, as a preview, tonight's first dinner in my new home (all homemade except the baked goods ... we learn that later in the summer):
your food looks tres bien!! i especially like that tasty looking beverage that is sneaking in the corner of all your food photos!
10:45 AM
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